Sharing All Things In Common

The Vision

To Develop a God Fearing Generation of leaders through Building On Spiritual Substance (B.O.S.S) to Impact the world.

Our Mission & Strategy

To train and Demonstrate God’s Principles in meeting one’s need for success and to economically empower youth & young adults through the development of the whole person, their Gifts talents and abilities to change their lives and Impact the world.

We will accomplish this Goal by first partnering and teaching the proven structured syllabus outlined in B.O.S.S The Movement to develop the “Whole Person” *(

We’ve identified underprivileged youths and willing adult community leaders such as church organizations, after school programs, athletic organizations, Group homes and orphanages to commit to a movement that will renew the mind , understanding of the youth. Adult leaders are trained to become Coaches to train the youth during a measured period of time as outlined in the syllabus.

We continue the goal by second partnering with community professionals, experts that are willing to walk alongside our youth that have completed phase one in developing their innate God’s given talents, gifts and abilities by sharing Common interest. Thus, developing Entrepreneurs, Birthing dreams, Visions and Ideas while being God, fellowmen and Self conscious; becoming a contributor not a taker in society.

Finally, Partnering with industries nationally and internationally that would be an incubator for new marketplace ideas, visions for our youth. Creating new opportunities, employment and economic empowerment that will Impact their community and the world.

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" For what shall a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and forfeit his life? or what shall a man give in exchange for his life?” KJ

In pursuit of success, life will happens. There will be storms, oppositions and potentially pain and suffering. These challenging can and many times alter your Hope, Confidence and Courage to continue. Many Times one may obtain monetary or career success and not being fulfilled having to depend on induced pleasure; drugs or other bad Habits which eventually destroy their life and family.

* The “Whole Person” consist of Spirit, Soul and Body. While a person may take great care of their body and develop their Soul ( mind , intellect, will ) and gain great success; life has no meaning if the Spirit person is not well.

C A.



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